The panic didn't begin to set in until 8:45. Breakfast, thus far, had gone off without a hitch. Of course, a feast of this magnitude is even better when there is someone around to eat it. In an effort to keep cold sweat from ruining the syrup, I decided to ask Miriam if she had maybe heard differently from me with regards to the arrival time of my family. That is when the bomb dropped. Don't get me wrong, I love Heidi, but when Mirm said she thought that only Heidi would be coming at around 9:30 my reaction was, well, understandable (see photo of cat with machine gun in post below). I was devastated! If you have ever lost someone close to you, you'll understand what I went through - Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and, at last, acceptance. These stages of grief all took place in the space of about 10 minutes. Maybe I should clarify - The acceptance stage didn't actually happen until Heidi showed up with her kids and breakfast was served and enjoyed by all. We had a fun, albeit brief, time together. Praises were showered upon the chef, leftovers were bagged up for another day, dishes were cleaned, and then it was over. Somehow I thought the moment would last...forever. All that is left with me - besides, perhaps, some lingering remnants in my lower intestines - is a deeper appreciation for what our dear wives go through every day of their lives. So I want to apologize to my wife for the (few) times I have complained that a meal was late/early/cold/hot/too much/not enough/yucky. I just didn't get it until now. I'm glad I have the rest of my life to get it right.
p.s. If you would like to try the 1 point muffins, the recipe is below.
That's a good story. Dang those sisters. Not me...I would have simple loved to come and feast at that amazing breakfast. I'm pretty sure I had cocoa pebbles yesterday. You're a good brother, I wouldn't wake up at 5:00am for NO ONE!! Now, I just want you to remember that I will be there in August, and I now know what you are capable of and will expect nothing short of your best!
also, what was in the neatly numbered bags? You are funny!
Just so you know-I'm going to do my own post titled The Breakfast. I know it didn't turn out quite like you wanted but I can't tell you how happy it made me! All your effort was certainly not wasted. You're amazing! Can't wait to do it again.
I love the change you made on your blog. How do you make it so cute?
I sure wish I hadn't missed that breakfast. All anyone can talk about is how incredible it was. I feel like I missed out on a life changing experience. If only I wasn't so darn lazy. Will you do it again next time I come? PLEASE!!!
I wish I could have been there. It would have been goodbye weight watchers for a morning.
Hey John and Mirm,
How are you. I love your blog. I had fun today. Mirm, You are the best. Talk to you tomorrow.
Love, Torie
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